Building A Life For Ourselves


We all to some extent or another try to build a life for ourselves in this world. We have our goals, our dreams, our visions, our hopes, our desires, and we attempt to build our lives accordingly. Some are able to realize parts of their dreams, others are not able to realize any of them, not because they did not have what it takes, but because this world system in its current set-up is extremely destructive, and can easily tear down a persons life and future. It is thus interesting to see how many of us that try to hide in our small lives. We hide in our homes, with our families, with those that are close to us, we go to work, earn enough to survive, hold unto our dreams and hope that it will not be our life that is shattered.

However, a point that we forget is that, until we have once and for all directed this world system and created a new, updated, and benevolent system, we will not be able to create our dreams, hopes, desires, and that small place in this world where we can be left alone and tend to our own interests and hobbies. Because there is no way to separate ourselves from what is here. Even if we build our house far, far away from civilization, there is still a risk that the instability of the world system will have consequential effects on our lifestyle. This is the reality, we will not be able to have a great life, until the world system as a whole have changed.

Thus, the dream and motivation of building a life for ourselves in this world, must also include taking responsibility for the world system, in taking on a point within the world system that must be directed, and walking that point into change. Because unless we do it, how can we expect anyone else to? And unless we get up and start directing our lives, not only in the personal, but also the interpersonal, and the universal, any form of peace and stability we experience in our lives will be ephemeral – because the world system will eventually catch up with us and give the reminder that things in this world are NOT what they should be.

Creating our lives must as such include taking responsibility for and pushing for  a change within the world system. And the interesting point is this; it does NOT have to be a grand and impressive change that we personally take on to move into this world; such as for example, stopping starvation. Even the small and incremental contributions moves the world into the right direction and is as such needed. Hence, what determines what we make our area of focus and expertise, our purpose when it comes to the world system, is ourselves: Through asking where do we have our strengths and weaknesses? What are we able to do with what we have? Where are we able to contribute that will make a impact and change things for the better? That is the question we must ask ourselves: Where Can We Put Ourselves To The Best Use?

One animal that we can learn from when it comes to forgetting about our individuality, and instead looking at the greater picture, to see where we fit in the best, where our particular constitution and personal make up can be most effective, is the honey bee. Because the bee lives solely for the community, for its hive. A bee is born into one out of three specific physical types; it is either a queen bee, a drone bee, or a worker bee. Each of these types have their own distinct role in the bee community – and neither of these roles supersedes the others in terms of having a leader position. In-fact, if the queen bee is not effective at laying eggs, which is her primary task, she will be replaced by the worker bees. Then the drone bees, their one task is to mate with a queen bee, and when that is done, the drone bee will die, because it is of no use to the bee community anymore. For the bees the individual does not exist, the primary consideration is the group, the hive, the togetherness, because as a group bees are strong, while as individuals they are weak.

Us humans need to become more like bees when it comes to looking at our lives, our decisions, where we decide to go, and how we decide to live, and when it comes to contributing and giving ourselves a purpose in relation to the world system. In order for us to contribute the best we can, we must let go of our individuality, our desires, our wants, our feelings of what we WANT to do, and instead look at where we are the BEST; what skills do we have? What supportive characteristics have we nurtured and created within ourselves? All of that should be taken into account when we create our lives, our future, our mission and purpose in this life, as that will make us much more effective, and subsequently, the human race as a whole will benefit.

Let us not dwell on the problems of this world, but instead embrace the busy bee in ourselves, look at where we can contribute and give, and get to action, because that is the way we, one by one, individually and together, incrementally and one piece at a time, move this world towards a better future.


Check out the following:

Living Income Guaranteed Proposal

Living Income Guaranteed by Equal Life Foundation:





Equal Life Foundation:

Equal Life Foundation – Bill of Rights:

Presenting the Fundamental Human Rights by Equal Life Foundation



Equal Life Foundation:
Economist’s Journey To Life

Discuss at: EN SL ES CR NL


Terrorism, cause or effect?

Silhouette of soldier with rifle

With the attack on the airport and subway system of Brussels, Europe has once again, in a short span of time, become the target of terrorism. By all means, this is a egregious act and not acceptable in any way or form. However, I find that there is a surprising lack of awareness in the general public, and in the media coverage, regarding the REASON for these attacks.

It seems to be a weakness in the human intellect. When we are faced with trauma and difficulties, our tendency is to look at the symptom. When we get sick, we look at and attempt to suppress the immediate effect. When there is a fight or conflict, we look at the drama – and this single dimension – the consequence that is here right now – becomes the entirety of our focus. However, as with all aspects of life, there is always, ALWAYS, an underlying cause. When it comes to human beings, that cause can never be simplified to the idea that some people are ‘just evil’ – or that they ‘just belong to the wrong religion’ – or that ‘they are immigrants’. Human beings are without a doubt more complex creatures than this – and hence – to understand terrorism – we must understand the human mind.

Terrorism, as explained by Chris Hedges, is born on the outskirts of the system. It is born in places where our western media seldom go, and even more rarely, report from. The reality of terrorism is that it is a social construct, in-fact, it is a part of our current system – it is a inescapable consequence of the inequality on which all of our collective designs are built. Terrorism is a SYMPTOM – not a cause – and seen in the eyes of forgiveness and clarity – it is an obvious call for help from the undeveloped and forgotten parts of this world.

In the western world, we tend to become arrogant and look at terrorism with an air of elitism. We condemn the attacks, yet we make no effort to understand them. We look down on the extremists and their religious doctrines, yet we make no effort to prevent such people from ever becoming extremists to begin with. We believe ourselves to be better than, though fact is that we, the western civilization, is as corrupted, as violent, as brutal and indifferent as the suicide bombers of ISIS. However, we are able to hide our real nature behind a facade of prestige, intellect, money and skillful rhetoric’s – though in being honest with ourselves – we cannot deny – we are just the same.

We call our terror attacks humanitarian interventions or peace keeping missions. We say that we fight for peace and democracy when we bomb cities of foreign countries. We lie that our intentions are benevolent, while fact is that there are always ulterior motives; geopolitics, profit, desire and greed. It is impossible to create peace or stability in a country through armed intervention, and it is easy to see that the warmongers are also those that benefit from building and selling the war machines. There has never, and will never be such a thing as a war fought for good reasons. War is in its very nature despicable – a crime against all of humanity.

Hence, when we look at terrorism, we must make the effort to understand it – and the only way to understand terrorism is through letting go of our elitist mindset and instead asking ourselves; what is it that can drive someone to commit suicide with a bomb, with the intention of killing and harming as many people as possible? What must someone go through, experience, think, see, to be able to make that decision? It is such an extreme act of violence, that the precursory events that creates a suicide bomber, must in themselves be violent, destructive and harmful. How are we collectively responsible for creating suicide bombers? Would anyone take their own life if they had everything to life for?

What we must understand is that, in this world, the majority of people are suffering. The majority of people are compromised, diminished, and placed into a state of lack where they do not have access to the very basic necessities of life. They are unable to create a life for themselves, and hence have NOTHING to lose – and THAT is the conditions that proceeds a terrorist attack – conditions of deprivation and pauperism – this creates people with no hope, no fear, and no morals. We in the western world are responsible for creating such situations of scarcity – as we in various ways impact the world negatively with our continuous drive for profit and expansion.

Terrorism will not go away until we decide to take responsibility for this world, and understand, that violence begets violence, and that the only way to come to a REAL solution, is through giving all a life of dignity.

Investigate the Living Income Guaranteed – and stand up for a world where all have enough.

The Future of Money Creation


It is not hard for anyone to see that our current money system is experiencing difficult times. Even though interest rates are historically low, this still does not ignite the economy the way that the leaders hope. We are still in a deep recession, where youth unemployment is very high, companies are struggling, and where it is increasingly hard for anyone to create a life for themselves. Then on top of this, the situation in the middle east and Africa, is to put it mildly, catastrophic. The consequence is that refugees flood into Europe serving to destabilize the economy even further.

When investigating why our economy has become so weak, why we have so many structural flaws in our system, and why there does not seem to be in an end in sight, I have time and time again seen that these are strongly tied with how money is created in society. For those that do not know, money is created as debt. Commercial banks put out money in the economy, at an interest, when companies, and private individuals take out loans. This in turn means that there is ALWAYS a deficit of REAL money in the system, because DEBT accumulates without additional, new, debt-free money being inserted into the economy. We do not need a rocket scientist to conclude that this is bad math and also, big problems.

One clear and relevant example of how excessive debt can effectively destroy an entire country is that of the Greece sovereign debt crisis. Coerced by the financial powers of Europe to pay back its debt, Greece has now breached some of the most basic Human Rights there are. Pensions have been slashed and public jobs as well as salaries have been cut – the result is a disaster of epic proportions. And when we look at the reason for this destruction of human potential it all comes back to one thing – DEBT.

We should really ask ourselves why we structure our economy this why, because can we not find a better way? Does it not make sense to instead build our economy on debt free money, where countries are empowered using debt free grants to strengthen instead of being sucked dry of all life with the excuse that they owe money to someone, or something?

Having a money system that is based on debt creates extreme limitation, and at the end of the day, it only serves those few that are  in control of money creation, which is commercial banks. We have become so used to thinking that we must become indebted to buy houses, to receive educations, and to achieve a comfortable life, though this is ONLY a political structure – not a ACTUAL REALITY. Fact is that we could structure our money system in such a way where our governments issue debt free money that could be used to build houses, improve infrastructure and the general well-being of the public. Debt is fictional – a mirage created through laws – but in reality we all have an equal right to live a dignified life.

Investigate DEBT and the SOLUTIONS presented to this problem – the organization POSITIVE MONEY is offering a very cool solution – to implement this we require political participation – as it is through politics that laws are written and society is built.

Down below is an example of videos made by positive money that explains how banking works.

Student Debt – A Crime Against Human Rights

StudentLoanDebtStudent Debt is one of those things in society we all tend to take for granted. Most that go to college or university are required to in-debt themselves in order to pay for tuition and living expenses. Some countries, like Sweden, do not have tuition fees – though the majority of students are still required to take out loans to cover their living costs.

Young people in this world find themselves between a rock and a hard place. Either you take out hefty loans, make it through university, and potentially land a well-paid job afterwards. Or you come to terms with maybe having a low paid job and no debt. Both of these options are completely horrendous. To be forced into debt to make a life for yourself is a crime against human rights – and yet – this is what young people are required to do.

What should be happening is that young people growing up in this world are nurtured and receive all the support and assistance they require to make the best out of their lives. Because if we cripple an entire generation with debts, imposing unto them the choice of either debt serfdom, or unemployment, we are most certainly creating immense and global consequences in the future. Not only are we creating class warfare, we are also creating generational warfare – were those that are older and have had the opportunity to build a life for themselves without debt will be the target of resentment and blame of the younger generations.

However, one of the most fascinating points that this point with the student debt shows is how we as human beings really have a major issue when it comes to caring for other people. Because how many of us are not benefiting from student debt? Do you for example know what sort of assets your pension funds have invested in? Most certainly big parts of their investment portfolio are made up out of student debt bonds – and would you be willing to give up your pension to release students from their debt? And really – at the end of the day – this is the question we as Humanity face: Are we willing to care for another as we care for our children and ourselves? Are we willing to give up our self-interest to stand for a solution that will benefit all people, youngsters as well as old people, and are we willing to give up some of our luxury to achieve that outcome?

Debt is artificial, which means that its existence is a mental abstract creation. Debt exists in databases and registers made up out of numbers and names – to remove these numbers would be very easy. We could decide today as a society to not anymore accept and allow debt to be part of our lives. Instead of debt, we could decide to give our future generations the best possible conditions to create themselves a life of fulfillment, joy and happiness. We do hold that power – so the question we should ask ourselves is: Why are we not creating the world that we want to see?

And – Why not take it even further? Money is artificial, which means that its existence is a mental abstract creation. Money exists in databases and registers, called banks, that are made up out of numbers and names – to change these numbers would be very easy. Why then not change the numbers a little, so our youths do not have to go through their lives paying debts for which they got things that should have been theirs as part their HUMAN and UNCONDITIONAL RIGHTS. See, life, this world, our monetary system, our way of doing things, it is not set in stone – there are many solutions to the problems we face – though to see them – we have to let go of our small, confined and limited world view – our self-interest – and start seeing our reality from a greater, and more expansive perspective – and ask ourselves the daring question: What is Best For All?

I am one vote for world equality, and I am one vote for a Living Income Guaranteed – because I want what is best for youths as well as elders. I want, for all those that wish to experience higher education, to be able to do that, without incurring any debts – and I want all children to be certain that when they grow up – they will be embraced into a society that cares for and tends to them – and want what is best for them. We can create this world – and it all begins with us letting go of our self-interest and developing that real and genuine care for others.