What would you do with more time on your hands?

I find it fascinating to look at old pictures of my grandfather and grandmother and the life they shared together. My grandfather was a farmer and my grandmother a housewife with many creative hobbies on the side. Their home was a big farm, and it is here on this farm that I have decided to reside as well. It is truly remarkable scenery that envelops these lands. Lush fields, trees are singing in the wind, and at distance a lake is glistening. I cannot imagine a better place to grow up and spend your life.

What is fascinating about the pictures of my grandparents is that they depict a time were there was more time. You can see them sitting by the lake having a cup of coffee, or sitting in their porch, eating a meal prepared on the grill. It is clear that there was less pressure back then, time was not such a scarce resource as it is in today’s hectic world. And talking with my grandfather this becomes clearer. He has shared with me how he used to fish with nets during the autumns and springs, and hunt on the lands. Nowadays, these hobbies do not exist in the same quantity as before – and the reason why? We do not have enough time.

no-time-to-thinkAll that we have time to do is to work. And now, it is not enough that only one person in the household works, both the man and the woman must work for things to go around. Now when the man and women come home from work, they must rest from work, cook, and then little to no time is left to actually do something with their day. What many tends to do, is to use the hours that are left over to watch some television. But what kind of a life is this?

Most of us will maintain that we have evolved during the last 200 years. I say we have not. Our technology has evolved, true, but our quality of life, the time we have available to give to ourselves and our dear one’s, this is devolved and decreased. What kind of a life is it, to be constantly rushing around, stressing, fretting, hurrying to make ends meet? Is that something we can even define as being life? Can we actually say that we are alive, or are we merely surviving?

I say that we are not alive, we are just surviving, because all we do is chasing money, and there is no time for self-development, self-expansion, and self-realization. There is no time left for us to enjoy the fruits of our labor and the advancements we have made in technology – and hence we cannot claim that we are living. Actual living would imply freedom and time to ponder, time to pursue our interests and passions, time to sit by a lake and enjoy a long coffee break, time to spend with our children, and strengthen the bond between family members – real living would be to experience a deep gratefulness for each day lived on this earth and the opportunities that are provided – and how many can contend that they experience such a gratefulness today? It rather seems that most of us are sick and tired – disillusioned and fed up with continuous money problems, stresses and fears around survival.

What would you do if you had all the time in the world? Who would you be if you did not have to chase money in your life? What interests and passions would you develop? What would you build? What would you decide to be a part of? Would you become a farmer like my grandfather, a housewife, a vagabond, a musician, a painter, or a builder? Who would you decide to be if all doors were open to you?

We must take a deeper look at what we have created in this world, and ask ourselves the question: Why have not created heaven on earth, and is this present world system truly the best we are able to muster? AND – HOW can we change what is here into a world that we would want to be a part off? That we would desire to be a part off?

Money is the key to creating time for all to discover who they really are. Through Guaranteeing Everyone a Basic Living Income – UNCONDITIONALLY – we can create a new world, and a new life. It is not impossible, and just as with any creation, it starts out as a vision, as a few words in our mind, that is spoken, then written down, then lived, and then pushed into manifestation – this is how we create. Be a part of this change – see what visions and dreams are hidden in the depths of your consciousness, and make the decision to create a world where you will be given the opportunity to realize all of them. All creation begins as a small seed – and when we nurture these seeds what will spring into life is our manifesto – our decision – and that is how we will create the TIME for ourselves to actually live.

Debt Fueled Economy

ImageWhen the western economies fell apart during the great crash of 2008 something interesting happened over in China. Because Chinas economy is mostly based on exports to the west the course that was predicted was that Chinas economic growth would stagnate and follow the recession taking place in Europe and America. This though did not occur and instead the opposite happened – Chinas economy continued to grow exponentially seemingly without being affected by the turn of events in the west. Obviously, this is fascinating and opens up the question as to how China could direct its economy to continue to grow regardless of the massive loss in exports.

There is a great documentary giving the answers as to why China persisted when the west fell apart – and you can see it HERE. What is shared in this documentary is the secret behind Chinas success. The key is be found in one magic little word:


Yes – China used its banks to super-charge it’s economy through opening up the credit floodgates – allowing for a massive lending spree. The consequences of this grand debt injection can be seen in how entire cities, complete with their own subway system, skyscrapers and monumental cultural and sports facilities, are now sprouting out of what seems to be thin air – this is how fast and massively China is now pursuing it’s growth policies.

It’s really fascinating and in the documentary I referred to they effectively shows just how bizarre this building marathon have started to become. There are some small cities with just some hundred thousand inhabitants that by their municipality have been awarded state of the art theaters and music arenas, of the caliber that you’d expect to see in metropolitan cities such as London and New York. The local politicians have thus taken matters in their own hand and through debt managed to build what in a western country would’ve been unthinkable.

Obviously the debt-fueled economy China is pursuing is not based on supply and demand – instead it’s based on a incessant need for growth. Because without growth there will be diminishment in jobs, and without jobs the political elite of China will have difficulty retaining their positions of power. Thus, from a purely economic perspective, what is happening in China is not very effective as it’s not REAL growth, it’s not REAL commerce – it’s an inflated growth and commerce. Many thus fear that Chinas vast spending is currently creating a massive financial bubble that in the coming years will pop and cause havoc on a global level.

Though, the point I want to bring through in this blog is not whether or whether not the economic policies of China are effective. Instead I want to show the POWER of money – and how one through taking control of and directing the money supply of a country can amass massive resources in the form of workers and raw materials. This is in essence what China has done. They have taken control over the bank institutions in their country and instructed it to through debt support economic growth.

But wait for it, here comes the fascinating aspect of this story.

Imagine what we could do in our countries if we would do the same thing WITHOUT adding on the DEBT. Think about what the effect would be if we as the people would create debt FREE money with the purpose supporting the growth in our countries. Because what is really money but papers and digits? Thus we’d simply take charge of the papers and digits and distribute these throughout the economy to fuel entrepreneurship and economic growth. In the process we would simply decide to not create the money as debt. Simple!

Because one of the major issues with our current economy is DEBT and how almost all money that circulates is DEBT. This have the consequence of placing massive strain on the people involved as there just never seems to be enough money to go around, never seems to be sufficient with money to build one’s life and all the time seems to be to much DEBT.

Thus, consider how our life’s could change if we take control of the money supplies, if we nationalize the banks and make sure that the money inserted into the economy are without debt.

There is a political proposal that as a part of its reinvention of the economic system suggests nationalizing the banks. This proposal is called Living Income and it’s a solution for a world in dire trouble. We do not need to bailout the banks, we need to take control of the banks and make them an asset in the hands of the people, so that we can focus upon building a world that is livable and create a future for our children that is dignified.

Investigate the Living Income Guaranteed and make the decision to stand for a political solution that will make a real change.