The Shootings In Paris, An Act of War?

paris_shootingsFriday the 13th 2015, the day when an apparent terrorist attack struck Paris, and more than a hundred people got killed. The French president responded with saying that the attack is an act of war. However, I would say that this is not a correct assessment of the situation, and more importantly, it is not a effective way of approaching what has happened.

If we roll back the time for a moment, 11th September 2001, two planes flew into the World Trade Center, killing thousands. The American government blamed the Taliban’s and decided to invade Afghanistan, and later Iraq, in the so-called war against terrorism. Obviously, it was never about a war against terrorism, as rather it was a way for the corpocracy of America to feed its enormous military industrial complex. Though, for a moment, let us assume that the war on terrorism was actually a real attempt to make the world a safer place. It is time to ask, did this war actually make the world a safer place?

The simple answer is no, and it takes no rocket scientist to understand that wars, whatever reason that is used to justify them, creates even more consequences. As such – we require a new way of dealing with things, a new way of approaching conflicts, a new way of handling consequences, were we do not hit back but instead look at how the consequence came about, and more importantly how we were a part of creating that particular consequence.

When it comes to terrorist attacks, it is not difficult to understand why some individuals in this world develop an urge to fight back against the establishment with brute force. The reasons are poverty, war, lack of education, and the nonexistence of opportunities. For some, born in the wrong country, at the wrong time, there is absolutely no hope, and for those, terrorism is a way of saying: ‘Look at what you have done to me! Look at what you have done to my life!’ – and that is what we in the western world must understand – that terrorist attacks is an indication that we have to steer things in another direction. Terrorist attacks is as much a cry for help, as they are a sign we humans have not yet been able to unite as ONE group.

Though, I will admit, it is very easy for me to say that ‘we have to change’ – but how to practically do that? What can we possibly do on a individual basis to have any impact on a global level? Truth to be told, there is no single person that can actually change the world, but we can change the world together, through each of us making the decision to stand up in our own lives.

For example, one solution that we can implement is to, when conflicts emerge in our own personal worlds, someone lashing out on us (a micro terrorist attack), that we then look at how we were a part of creating that conflict, and also why that conflict came about, and what we are able to do to in the future, to prevent it and find sustainable solutions – thus living the example of PEACE, CONSIDERATION, RESPONSIBILITY and UNDERSTANDING.

When we live what is best, when we stand as an example of a better, upgraded human being, a human capable of forgiveness, that will have a impact. Maybe it will not come through on a global level, though we will be able to see it in our personal relationships, in our communication with colleagues and acquaintances. And what does this world consist of but personal relationships, family relationships being the very core bonding that holds society together. When these relationships change, it is clear that it will have an effect on other, larger, collective relationship groups as well.

So, consequences are not bad, they are opportunities for learning and self-growth. Each consequence is a sign, a signal, that there is something about ourselves that we can change. This is so equally on a personal as well as global level. Thus, instead of saying that these terrorist attacks are an act of war – let us instead recognize them for what they really are – a cry for help and a indication that we can do better to ensure that each human being on this earth lives a life of dignity.

For more solutions and ways to tackle the current state of human affairs, investigate the Living Income Guaranteed.

What is really going on with the Refugees – and what is the SOLUTION?

People protesting against refugees being seen as the problemEuropa is now facing a big influx of refugees, not only from impoverished African nations, but also more prominently, from the war torn nation of Syria. In mainstream media, the conflict in Syria is portrayed as a struggle between the ‘good’ rebel faction ‘Free Syrian Army’ and the ‘bad’ regime troops with their leader Bashar al-Assad.

The mainstream media story is that Bashar al-Assad for a long time abused his people, that became angry, revolted, and that these rebels have a legitimate claim to the government. What is not shared however is how USA, France and Britain is supplying the rebel groups in Syria with both arms, and training. The other side, the governmental forces receive political and military support from Iran and Russia. Thus – this conflict is really a heaven for war profiteers – and at the end of the day – that is what it is all about.

We can fool ourselves into believing that the Syrian is a civil war fueled by political and ideological motives – but the truth is that the Syrian war exists due to geopolitical power struggles and because the military industrial complex continuously requires more war on this earth to profit. When we talk about the Syrian civil war it is not possible to look at it from a normal country vs. country, bad vs. good mindset – because this war is a product of the structural inefficiency of our current monetary system.

What do I mean with structural inefficiency? The fact that companies are allowed to exist and profit on the designing and manufacturing of weapons is a grave structural misalignment bound to create wars – and whether these are civil wars or bilateral, or multilateral conflicts, it does not really make a difference. Fact is that when weapons are created, the open up the opportunity for people to use force to get things their way. If we ban weapons on a global level – would there be wars as we know them today – and – would there be refugees, as we know them today?

War is one of the primary reasons people are forced to leave their homes, their possessions, their friends, and the life that they created for themselves – and to wage a war you NEED to have weapons. Without weapons it would not be possible to dislocate people on a large scale, or use force to drive entire nations into a state of chaos. Weapons is the one tool that makes it possible for people to commit atrocities on a industrial scale – and both the first- and second world war are perfect examples of how mass murder will be the result of weapons combined with a unstable human mind.

Hence, the solution to the world’s refugee crisis is to ban weapons. The act of selling and distributing weapons is in-fact a crime against the human rights – the right to life – because the design and creation of a weapon implies the intention of taking a human life by force – and that is unacceptable. There is not excuse that can validate weapon production – national security is not a reason – because obviously the safest national security measure would be to ban all weapons world wide through conventions and international agreements. Further, economic welfare is not a reason – because war does NOT produce economic growth. War increase debts, which in turn creates the illusion that the economy is growing – but the real economy which exists of the flesh and blood human beings and their daily living – is completely compromised.

War is hell – and war needs weapons to exist – and if we want to really make a significant impact in this world that will change things for the better – banning weapons on a global scale would be the decision to make. And even though there will be tremendous fear in people of seizing there arms production – it must be done and someone must begin the disarmament. One country must take the first steps, and dare to stand in this world and bring through a new way of doing things. All revolutions must begin somewhere, and at sometime – and if we want to have a world free from violence and refugees – we must take that stand of not accepting and allowing weapons to be manufactured and sold.

Investigate the Living Income Guaranteed for a solution on how to restructure our financial system to stop survival and fear from being the primary driving force in the human life experience. And investigate Democracy Against War Now – and join a movement that is set on producing a world free from violence where we as human beings can truly enjoy life – and let go of the constant uncertainty and worry that our current world situation provides for.

Selling The Solution

”We Want Change! We Want Change! We Want Change!”

Do you recognize these words? They are commonplace in demonstrations, activist efforts, strikes, and various other methods that the civilian public throughout time have used in attempting to enforce political change in this system. Still today, these methods are used in order to build political opinion – though; in this blog I will reveal the ineffectiveness of this strategy – and show that the time of screaming that “We Want Change” is blasé – this is the time to reconsider our role as creators of political opinion – and the first point to look at is HOW we bring forth our message.

This particular point opened up as I was investigating the suggestions from an activist group of how to create political awareness in relation to the Basic Income proposal. The proposed ways to create that awareness was in line with the usual tactic of standing somewhere in the public, the town square for example, as a group of people, screaming that “We Want Change!” – in seeing this I realized how severely ineffective and misplaced this method is.

So, why is it then ineffective and misplaced?

Well, to scream “We Want Change” doesn’t actually show why change is necessary, and neither does it present a practical SOLUTION as to how this change can be implemented effectively. Instead it’s merely people screaming, and actually, the starting point and underlying message coming through when we just scream out our message is that “we are the victims” and “you must change!” – we won’t make the change because it’s apparently up to another to make that change, present the solution, and make it all happen. And what comes through as well is this point of blame – that it’s not “our fault” that this world is the way it is and as such we shouldn’t walk this change – YOU should – because it’s YOUR fault!

What is then the missing point?

creative_sellingThe missing point is really in the most unlikely of places, and particularly for activists it will be shocking, because the primary point that will allow for political forcefulness to come through is the art of SELLING – yes – SELLING – the skill often regarded with despise – because it’s apparently not a “honest” trade.

But why is then that the art of selling is so important?

Realize, that when we want to inflict change in this world, what we must understand is that change comes through within and as individual human beings, because each human being is a building block in what we call ‘the system”, thus for each human being that is able to see the point you’re making, and within that change his, or her way of living, that is a point where you’ve actually created political movement.

The question is thus, what makes people change, and what makes people hear what you say? This is where SELLING comes into play, because the art of selling, is the art of convincing, it’s the art of finding the specific trigger for the human being we communicate with, what they care about, and what they feel about, and through using those trigger points, we are able to affect that persons way of looking at and understanding things.

Thus, for example, with the Living Income proposal, the focus of the activist must here be to explain to the individual human being what would change in his or her world, if a Living Income would be implemented, the activist must SELL the proposal ACTIVELY – which is a what a activist should be doing – namely – activating people in realizing and understanding that there is so MUCH MORE to life than what our current system presents as life – that there is whole universe to explore which have been suppressed by fear, and a bureaucratic system of rules and control.

Real change, and real political movement will as such be born through the process of selling, which is actually the skill of effective communication, and knowing WHO you’re talking with, and what will trigger that particular person to see what you’re saying – and make them see how what you’re saying can benefit their life.

This is why the Living Income proposal is so unique, because it speaks not only the worker class, it also speaks to the bourgeois, the middle class, and the elite, because the Living Income will fire up the economy on all avenues, allowing for the business owners to make more money, the workers to get employed, and the elite to retain their lifestyle unless it’s overly exclusive – obviously – some people that throughout the years have become excessively rich will have to let go of some of their resources.

An example of how to sell the Living Income proposal in America, would be to connect it to the American Dream, in showing that through the Living Income, the American Dream; having your own house, two cars, and having only one of the spouses working yet still retain a sufficient income to sustain the household, would be able to become a reality – this is thus SELLING the Living Income Guaranteed and showing the benefits of change – not merely screaming that “We Want Change” – which won’t create the political movement required for effective and lasting change.

Thus, it’s time to re-evaluate how we have up to this moment in time attempted to enforce change, and realize that there is a lot to learn from the system, from marketing, and from business owners, and that we’ll only be able to create a movement if we effectively show how life could change for others in implementing a Living Income Guaranteed. Let’s become the Wave of Action required to create the necessary momentum in order for real change to take place.

The Era of Enlightened Activism

waveofactionMany people do see what is going in this world, they do see that the current state of our world is outright abusive, and that it can’t go on as it has – we need to change – this is clear.

The problem with the wave of action that has been spreading throughout the world in various forms, such as for example the Occupy Wall Street-movement, the Arabic Spring – is that there is no clear understanding of HOW to sort out this mess – we do see the problems – but we do not see from WHERE these problems stem – and specifically we don’t see what course of action that will bring forth a lasting and structural solution.

This problem we can be found literally everywhere in all aspects of society, and can also be found in the microcosm of our relationship with ourselves; for example – let’s take a look at my own country of Sweden and what is currently going on in the dimension of crime prevention.

Because what is happening in this arena of the Swedish society, is that it’s slowly falling apart, there is too much crime, and not enough resources to prevent the crime – the polices and attorneys are becoming frustrated because seemingly there is nothing that can be done – and even though the government is pouring more money into the fight against crime, no clear results are visible.

Though, what is it that the Swedish government is missing? Well, the simple fact that crime is not a isolated incidence – crime doesn’t just ‘occur’ – it’s instead a OUTFLOW – it’s a SYMPTOM of an underlying issue that perverts our entire world to become but a survivalist competition where only the strong are allowed to live. Thus, exactly as was the problem with for example the Occupy Wall Street-movement, wherein all attention and focus was fixed on the criminal acts of bankers – no attention and focus is given to sort out the underlying issues.

Thus, let’s take a look at what the underlying issues are – if we self-honestly investigate the nature of the various problems that exist in this world, we are able to see that the absolute majority of them are related to one specific point, one specific aspect of society – and that is – MONEY – or rather – the LACK of money. In our current world system – money is seen and regarded as a commodity that we are able to FIGHT about, and the general view is that we do not have a RIGHT to money – we have but an opportunity to get money – and apparently this opportunity is equal for everyone. But, what happens is that only a select few are able to get their hands on money, and due to the competitive nature that we’ve designed money to exist within, the consequential outflow is that but a few takes it ALL and the rest are forced to fight over the scraps.

This in turn leads a myriad of problems such as for example crime, profiteering, social inequality, blame, revolutions, rebellions, civilian disobedience, and obviously – one of the primary points – fear of SURVIVAL – which will force human-beings to take the most barbarian and ruthless of actions – because they are in their fear of survival not able to consider and expand their view to such concepts as empathy, consideration, care and equality.

Thus, we must now move ourselves into an Era of Enlightened Activism – and what must be the starting point of this new activism is that we target the underlying issues – and that we find PRACTICAL solutions to these underlying issues. And what we must understand is that no form of civil disobedience will have the desired effect – because a SOLUTION must be implemented through political means – by majority rule – it must be an actual and well thought-out proposal and not merely a rebellious act of blame towards those apparently in charge.

We must understand that We Are In Charge – We Decide – We will determine the Solution – and we will determine the Change – thus Activism in order to be effective must be coupled with responsibility – because only when we fully take responsibility for a point in realizing that unless we deliver the solution – there will be no solution; will we be able to effectively bring through change and form a world where we can all live in harmony.

Investigate the Living Income Guaranteed – and realize that there are effective solutions we’re able to implement – that will deal with the underlying issues of this current system – so that we do not anymore have to spend all of our precious time attempting and trying to suppress symptoms and effects.

The Complacency Virus

complacencyThe most common delusion we have that thwarts us from being able to create any change of real significance in this world, is this belief that “everything is okay” – it is as if we have taken a blinder before our eyes that makes us see only what we want to see – and this tends to happen when we have money and a somewhat comfortable life – when we have achieved those points, what sets in is complacency and instead of giving everyone a cool life – we spend the short time we have on this earth trying to satisfy our mental desires.

It should be the other way around, that when we have money, we should understand that we have a opportunity to make a difference, we have the time to spread awareness bring forth change – but what instead happens is that we sink back into the comforts of our minds where we live each day for the sole purpose of filling ourselves with various kinds of positive experiences.

It is fascinating and I see this pattern play out on a daily basis. I have grown up and live in the country of Sweden, and this is a wealthy, industrialized nation where most have a high level of education. Sweden is a country that is in a position of being able to make a difference in this world, because most of us swedes have time on our hands, we can actually make somewhat free choices, because we have money – but what happens instead? Rather we swedes do away with our time on senseless activities, such as drinking, buying more unnecessary things – spending each minute to gain another positive experience – a behavior that is spiteful in its very nature.

Thus, even though we have all the prerequisites necessary to produce a change, we still don’t do it – and why is that? As I said in the beginning, it comes back to complacency, and our tendency to think that everything is okay, because we have the money, and our life is quite comfortable.

But let us look at this presumption that “everything is okay” – because really, can we say that it is?

I mean, fact is that we are all dependent upon money, and fact is that in this world, when we do not have money, the very foundations of our existence will shatter – thus – even though we might think we are safe, because we have money at the money, this is no guarantee – and it is absolutely no guarantee that our children will have access to money. Fact is that our current economic system is slowly crumbling before our very eyes, and even though we might feel comfortable at the moment, we will in time face the consequences – and they will not be pleasant – because what is certain is the current economic system is not sustainable and it will not last.

Thus, what we must realize is that our comfort and the complacency we experience, because everything seems to be fine, it is not real – and each day we are coming closer to the inevitable collapse, wherein also our life will be affected by the ineffectiveness of the current world system – thus – I suggest that we take action now and that we do not wait. Just because we have money, and just because our individual life work at this moment, it doesn’t mean that our collective existence is sustainable – and things will get worse until we stand up and actually bring us to care about our common future and ourselves.

Those of us lucky enough to live in countries where it is still possible to access money, we have a responsibility to spread the word, and show that there is another way to live – and that complacency is really not acceptable – because we have the time and resources, we have the responsibility to act – and we have the responsibility to make sure that all people are endowed with a life worth living – a dignified life – that is what we’d want for ourselves given that we were in the shoes of those less fortunate – so why then not give as we would like to receive?

Read up on the Living Income Guaranteed – and make use of your time, because at some point – it will be all used up – and then there will be no way to go back and change your decisions. We have only this one lifetime – thus – let’s make the best out of it, and see to it that we bring about a world economic system that benefits life and erase poverty forever more – let’s make sure that our children will have a life free from fear.

Debt Fueled Economy

ImageWhen the western economies fell apart during the great crash of 2008 something interesting happened over in China. Because Chinas economy is mostly based on exports to the west the course that was predicted was that Chinas economic growth would stagnate and follow the recession taking place in Europe and America. This though did not occur and instead the opposite happened – Chinas economy continued to grow exponentially seemingly without being affected by the turn of events in the west. Obviously, this is fascinating and opens up the question as to how China could direct its economy to continue to grow regardless of the massive loss in exports.

There is a great documentary giving the answers as to why China persisted when the west fell apart – and you can see it HERE. What is shared in this documentary is the secret behind Chinas success. The key is be found in one magic little word:


Yes – China used its banks to super-charge it’s economy through opening up the credit floodgates – allowing for a massive lending spree. The consequences of this grand debt injection can be seen in how entire cities, complete with their own subway system, skyscrapers and monumental cultural and sports facilities, are now sprouting out of what seems to be thin air – this is how fast and massively China is now pursuing it’s growth policies.

It’s really fascinating and in the documentary I referred to they effectively shows just how bizarre this building marathon have started to become. There are some small cities with just some hundred thousand inhabitants that by their municipality have been awarded state of the art theaters and music arenas, of the caliber that you’d expect to see in metropolitan cities such as London and New York. The local politicians have thus taken matters in their own hand and through debt managed to build what in a western country would’ve been unthinkable.

Obviously the debt-fueled economy China is pursuing is not based on supply and demand – instead it’s based on a incessant need for growth. Because without growth there will be diminishment in jobs, and without jobs the political elite of China will have difficulty retaining their positions of power. Thus, from a purely economic perspective, what is happening in China is not very effective as it’s not REAL growth, it’s not REAL commerce – it’s an inflated growth and commerce. Many thus fear that Chinas vast spending is currently creating a massive financial bubble that in the coming years will pop and cause havoc on a global level.

Though, the point I want to bring through in this blog is not whether or whether not the economic policies of China are effective. Instead I want to show the POWER of money – and how one through taking control of and directing the money supply of a country can amass massive resources in the form of workers and raw materials. This is in essence what China has done. They have taken control over the bank institutions in their country and instructed it to through debt support economic growth.

But wait for it, here comes the fascinating aspect of this story.

Imagine what we could do in our countries if we would do the same thing WITHOUT adding on the DEBT. Think about what the effect would be if we as the people would create debt FREE money with the purpose supporting the growth in our countries. Because what is really money but papers and digits? Thus we’d simply take charge of the papers and digits and distribute these throughout the economy to fuel entrepreneurship and economic growth. In the process we would simply decide to not create the money as debt. Simple!

Because one of the major issues with our current economy is DEBT and how almost all money that circulates is DEBT. This have the consequence of placing massive strain on the people involved as there just never seems to be enough money to go around, never seems to be sufficient with money to build one’s life and all the time seems to be to much DEBT.

Thus, consider how our life’s could change if we take control of the money supplies, if we nationalize the banks and make sure that the money inserted into the economy are without debt.

There is a political proposal that as a part of its reinvention of the economic system suggests nationalizing the banks. This proposal is called Living Income and it’s a solution for a world in dire trouble. We do not need to bailout the banks, we need to take control of the banks and make them an asset in the hands of the people, so that we can focus upon building a world that is livable and create a future for our children that is dignified.

Investigate the Living Income Guaranteed and make the decision to stand for a political solution that will make a real change.

Are We Really Free?

I’ve for some time now been studying law, and in about a year and a half I’ve actually completed the entire education, and this places me in a position of considering what type of direction I should go into after I’m done, in terms in terms of finding a job.

I’ve thus been researching this point quite extensively for a couple of months and the conclusion I’ve made is that, in essence, there are no good jobs out there, most of them are difficult and arduous. Some jobs are easy to do, yet you get a low pay at the end of the month. Other jobs seems more stressful and demanding, yet they pay higher at the end of the month – yet regardless of what kind of job I select – the fact remains that I will have to spend at least 8 hours, 5 days every week, working away.

mmw_psychology_free_willThis place into question the notion we in the western world have of freedom and free-choice – because looking at this point that stands before me, can I in self-honesty say that I have a choice in regards to whether I work or not? The obvious answer is NO – there is absolutely no choice – because if you do not make sure that you have a stable income in this world then you’re simply not allowed to continue existing and we’ve thus developed a invisible form of slavery – where the slave-master is money and where we’re constantly running around trying to make sure we have the acceptance of this invisible money god.

It’s also not possible to say the freedom exists for those lucky few that have managed to accumulate so much wealth that they do not have to work a single hour more in their life – because these people are just as much as everyone else a prisoner of their own fear, a prisoner of their own greed – unable to live for real because they fear what they might loose.

We’ve thus, as humanity, managed to create a economic system that limits us as individuals, and that places us into these very small individual worlds where we are completely alone with ourselves and our fear – where we care for nothing else but ourselves and our fear – fascinating isn’t it?

What is even more fascinating is that most people will defend our current monetary system tooth and nail believing that it sets them free – not realizing that they are speaking in fear, defending their fear, honoring their fear, and strengthening the walls of their own prison.

What I’ve often heard is that, apparently, this system is based upon conscientiousness, because when there is a demand someone by their free will make sure to supply. Really, let’s take a look at it – do human beings supply by their own free will, or do they supply for the sake of their survival?

For example, why does porn exist? Some will say that it exists because there is a demand for it and naturally there will be a supply – though if all the young women that now seek their way into porn would’ve been economically stable, would there then have been such a constant stream of “new flesh” arriving into the porn industry, as we see today? Is it really a rational economical decision made by these woman based upon considering a career in porn, it’s effects and consequences? Is it really true that the demand for porn creates a supply of porn actresses?

No, it’s not true – because what creates a supply even to the most outrageous and immoral of demands is fear of survival and lack of economic stability – socioeconomic situations that push people into the most degrading of the circumstances just so that they can earn their living and survive and obviously there is no freedom what-so-ever to find in this – it’s just plain abuse.

What is important to understand is that our current economic system doesn’t work, it has never worked, and it will never work – it might seem to work for some people, though those some people are in minority and are able to prosper only because those born in less lucky conditions make it possible through their slavery.

Why then not change the system? Who has the power to change the system? Who has been part in co-creating this system?

The answer is YOU!

Thus, please make your voice heard and place your vote for a new economic system where we can give everyone the freedom that they deserve – from birth till death – investigate the Living Income Guarantee.

Planned Obsolescence

Apple-Planned-ObsolescenceThere are many that will claim that we as a human species are intellectually superior to the other species on earth – that we are better than others because we’ve invented the car, the airplane, the train and the computer – though here I have some unsettling news; we as a species are really the most inferior on the planet – as we’re the only species the deliberately destroy the equilibrium of our environment in order to sustain our lust for more.

Other animals do tend to in some ways destroy their environment, yet they never do so from a starting point of just wanting to have more – they do so because of need and to survive in this world; we as humans on the other hand search and destroy in order to fulfill our greed – and the world as it currently looks is a testimony to our inability to care and consider for our environment.

A perfect example of our incapacity to consider the consequences of our actions is the invention of planned obsolescence – a engineering trick created by highly educated human beings, that regardless of their university degrees, couldn’t understand that their invention would cause massive consequences.

Planned obsolescence is the deliberate decision to design a product to be of an inferior standard so that it will break in a set amount of time. This is done so that the consumer must go and buy a new product – thus increasing the revenues for the producer. What obviously hasn’t been considered in this approach is the damage and impact such a wasteful way of utilizing resources have on the environment; it’s as if us humans have imagined and believed that we could do anything we want to do – without any form of consequence – that we could use up all the resources in the world – without consequence – that we could do invent and create everything we’d like to – without consequence. Though, in this day and age – it’s becoming increasingly clear that this is not the case and that currently – we’re facing the Age of Consequence.

The consequence we will face due to how we’ve used planned obsolescence to drive our economies, is a loss of non-renewable resources such as oil, severe damage to important eco-systems of the world, such as forests and lakes, air pollution and through the greenhouse effect a raise in temperature all over the world – in other words – we will pay dearly for disrespecting the privileges given to us that we’ve been abusing for the sake of fulfilling our own greed. Consequence is absolute and can’t be negotiated – when consequence has been created it must be walked through and this is what we now must do as a human race.

Though, what is very important is that we do not anymore continue with our brutally lavish and inconsiderate lifestyle, and that we as such, together make sure that such nefarious intellectual inventions as planned obsolescence are banned and not anymore allowed to exist, so that we do not create more consequences for ourselves – to the extent where such consequences can’t be repaired or corrected – the point of no return.

The primary reason as to why planned obsolescence exists is because of Fear of Survival – we human beings tend to run around like crazies, all the time having in mind achieving, and getting to that money which we must have in order to get through our days, afford food and be able to pay of our mortgages – thus for the Love of Money, or rather, for the Fear of Loosing Money – we’ve created planned obsolescence; the solution as such is pretty obvious, isn’t it?

We need a new economic system – so that we can end Fear of Survival – I suggest that you investigate a Living Income Guarantee – and realize that we must stop or else we will be stopped.

A documentary suggested to watch in order to understand the magnitude of Planned Obsolescence is “The Light Bulb Conspiracy” – See Here

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