Are We Really Free?

I’ve for some time now been studying law, and in about a year and a half I’ve actually completed the entire education, and this places me in a position of considering what type of direction I should go into after I’m done, in terms in terms of finding a job.

I’ve thus been researching this point quite extensively for a couple of months and the conclusion I’ve made is that, in essence, there are no good jobs out there, most of them are difficult and arduous. Some jobs are easy to do, yet you get a low pay at the end of the month. Other jobs seems more stressful and demanding, yet they pay higher at the end of the month – yet regardless of what kind of job I select – the fact remains that I will have to spend at least 8 hours, 5 days every week, working away.

mmw_psychology_free_willThis place into question the notion we in the western world have of freedom and free-choice – because looking at this point that stands before me, can I in self-honesty say that I have a choice in regards to whether I work or not? The obvious answer is NO – there is absolutely no choice – because if you do not make sure that you have a stable income in this world then you’re simply not allowed to continue existing and we’ve thus developed a invisible form of slavery – where the slave-master is money and where we’re constantly running around trying to make sure we have the acceptance of this invisible money god.

It’s also not possible to say the freedom exists for those lucky few that have managed to accumulate so much wealth that they do not have to work a single hour more in their life – because these people are just as much as everyone else a prisoner of their own fear, a prisoner of their own greed – unable to live for real because they fear what they might loose.

We’ve thus, as humanity, managed to create a economic system that limits us as individuals, and that places us into these very small individual worlds where we are completely alone with ourselves and our fear – where we care for nothing else but ourselves and our fear – fascinating isn’t it?

What is even more fascinating is that most people will defend our current monetary system tooth and nail believing that it sets them free – not realizing that they are speaking in fear, defending their fear, honoring their fear, and strengthening the walls of their own prison.

What I’ve often heard is that, apparently, this system is based upon conscientiousness, because when there is a demand someone by their free will make sure to supply. Really, let’s take a look at it – do human beings supply by their own free will, or do they supply for the sake of their survival?

For example, why does porn exist? Some will say that it exists because there is a demand for it and naturally there will be a supply – though if all the young women that now seek their way into porn would’ve been economically stable, would there then have been such a constant stream of “new flesh” arriving into the porn industry, as we see today? Is it really a rational economical decision made by these woman based upon considering a career in porn, it’s effects and consequences? Is it really true that the demand for porn creates a supply of porn actresses?

No, it’s not true – because what creates a supply even to the most outrageous and immoral of demands is fear of survival and lack of economic stability – socioeconomic situations that push people into the most degrading of the circumstances just so that they can earn their living and survive and obviously there is no freedom what-so-ever to find in this – it’s just plain abuse.

What is important to understand is that our current economic system doesn’t work, it has never worked, and it will never work – it might seem to work for some people, though those some people are in minority and are able to prosper only because those born in less lucky conditions make it possible through their slavery.

Why then not change the system? Who has the power to change the system? Who has been part in co-creating this system?

The answer is YOU!

Thus, please make your voice heard and place your vote for a new economic system where we can give everyone the freedom that they deserve – from birth till death – investigate the Living Income Guarantee.

One thought on “Are We Really Free?

  1. I couldn’t agree more. The obvious reasons the monetary system does not work is that it is not devised through strict scientific method or mathematics. It is a faith based practice derived from opinion instead of facts. Its more religion than an engineered method. All the problems humans have ever faced throughout history has been overcome through ingenuity, engineering and science. Society issues and the management and allocation of resources is an engineering problem. I’ve heard countless times politicians reassuring the public that the economy will improve and to have faith it will. Faith did not build the rockets to send man to the moon. It was engineering. Faith did not invent the wheel it was ingenuity. Faith and opinion did not help burn victims with reconstructive surgery, it was medical science. Why are we still stuck in the dark ages with our capacity for awareness and understanding. It is because our society is built on shame and lies generated by a sick and twisted culture of self preservation with absolutely no understanding of the biology of what a human being is and its history on earth. Until we understand what the human animal is and our history then we can move forward.

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